Mission of Our Lady of the Angels
Call Fr. Bob  to get involved and become part of the
Mission family:    773-486-8431.
Upcoming Events!

The Mission of Our Lady of the Angels
is excited to announce two really fun fall events  
to help us raise money to finish the Stage 1

Please join us and help rebuild His church!
Please call (773-486-8431) or e-mail:  olamission@gmail.com with questions.

All proceeds will help the Mission finish stage 1 of the renovation of Our
Lady of the Angels Church. Of the estimated $2 million cost of stage 1,
we only have $50,000 left to reach our goal!  Every single penny and
brick will help. The finished historic church will allow us to expand our
outreach to those in West Humboldt Park, one of the poorest
neighborhoods in Chicago.

What we do at the Mission really makes a difference in people's lives. If
you have time, listen to the witness of a few of the ladies in the Tuesday
morning Seniors Program at a fund raiser last fall. They are so thankful,
not just for the difference it makes in their lives but in the lives of the
children and the whole neighborhood. Thanks again.



We're almost there!!!
Thank you to
everyone who
has helped
rebuild our

It is hard to
believe that we
are so close to
our goal on the
Stage 1

We hope to
open the doors
in December!  
Your kindness and
generosity have
been overwhelming.

Your many, many
hours of labor are
so very greatly
appreciated by the
neighbors we
serve, our new
fledgling community
of young people
discerning their
vocations, His
Eminence Francis
Cardinal George,  
by me, and, I
believe, by God.
Thanks to everyone who attended the FALL FUN-RAISER
and everyone at S
t. Teresa of Avila Church in September.  
We appreciate your support!

Hilarious Help:
Comedy Night with Fr. Britto

Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011
6:00 – 8:00 pm

Queen of the Rosary Church
680 West Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60607

HERE for directions.

Join Fr. Bob and the
Mission of Our Lady of the Angels on October 20 for an evening of comedy,
food, fun, and friends.

Fr. Britto Berchmans from St. Paul of the Cross will be providing the entertainment for the evening. He
is known across the Archdiocese for his comedic skills.
You do not want to miss this event!

Tickets include entertainment, plenty of hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and 1 glass of beer/wine. Additional
beer/wine can be purchased at the event. Tickets are $50 online (+$3.74 online fee) or $55 at the door.

If you are planning to buy your ticket at the door, it would really  be helpful if you could shoot us an e-
mail to let us know so the gracious folks who have offered to do this for us can prepare a great event
for you!

Sign up at
(copy and paste the address into your text box)
or RSVP to 773-486-8431
Sister Alicia
Sister Kate
"Run" the 2011 Chicago Marathon with
Team Our Lady of the Angels!
(Yes, we're talking to you!)

Run a marathon you say????  Yeegads Fr. Bob....  I can run a business,
run to the store, run amuck, and run to the bathroom, but run a marathon?
I just don't think so...

But my sons and daughters, do you not know that you are already running a race-- a
race that requires much more endurance and training than a marathon?
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.
They do it to get a crown that will not last,
but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 1 Corinthians 9:25

Well..... We have 13 members of Team OLA that will be running the Chicago
Marathon on October 9, 2011, and if they survive, trust me, we will be celebrating
their achievement for years to come - maybe forever!!!!   Our team members are,
however, not just running the Marathon; they are also running the good race - for
the crown that does last forever.

Team Our Lady of the Angels will be supporting the community, programs, and
facilities at the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels in West Humboldt Park and
running to raise the final $50,000 to complete the Stage 1 Renovations. "Run" with
us to help keep the Mission running!   By running, we win (even if we don't cross the
line first....)  as do so many others in the neighborhood!!!

Many of our runners are sending e-mails to their friends and family asking for their
support.  Please know that we appreciate our runners and their effort.  We also have
a "team" of people who will be supporting them along the race route (including
Father Bob).  If you would like to be part of the Race Day Support Team, send us an
e-mail too.   Thank you for supporting our runners. We will post more info here soon
on how you can support them and "run" the good race with us!

Questions? E-mail olamission@gmail.com or call 773-486-8431.
You, too, can join Stephanie, our postulant, and
12 others in running that race, and symbolically
acknowledge that fact, if you want, by
supporting their effort in the Chicago Marathon
on October 9.

Well, actually, on October 4, Stephanie will
become Sister Stephanie, so this will be the first
race of her new life - a very special race.  

Stephanie was a 19 time conference champion
in cross-country and track at Rockford Auburn
high school. She then went on to run for
University of Illinois, where she was 6th
freshman in the nation in 2006. She was blessed
to be part of U of I's 8th, 6th, and 10th place
NCAA national cross-country teams between
2006 and 2008.

Stephanie has been running to win for a long
time.  Now she will be running for Christ and
winning souls! Pray for her new vocation and
for her success on race day.
AND by the way....
Soon-To-Be-Sister-Stephanie has these
really attractive Run 4 Nuns T-shirts that
she will be glad to send you for a small
donation of $10 while supplies last.  (If
you buy one from her, your webmaster
will even  pay the postage!   She's so
darn cute and bound and determined to
raise money to help pay to renovate the
church....let's help her out...)

She will also have them at the Sept. 15
fundraiser this Thursday.  We hope you
can attend.   We are so close to making
our goal and every little bit helps.  Fr. Bob
was sooooo excited this morning at the
Mobile Food Pantry. He was just beaming
at how generous you all are.   The word
"miracle" kept popping out out of his
mouth and his eyes were as big as
saucers.  Take a look at the photos
below. Can you imagine that we are only
$50,000 away from having enough money
to compete the major work???

If you would like a T-shirt send Stephanie
an e-mail at olamission@gmail.com  
(She'll be so excited...)   Thanks a lot for
checking out the web site today.
Now, if you don't really need a T--shirt but feel particularly
blessed and would like to help renovate the church, feel free to
send Fr. Bob a check. Scroll down for the church update.  Any
amount will help. You can contact Fr. Bob Lombardo at
Mission of
Our Lady of the Angels, 3808 W. Iowa St., Chicago, IL 60651 or call
him at (773) 486-8431

As you can see, a lot is happening in
the church.  Fr. Bob would surely
like to get this renovation done so
he can devote full time to
ministering to the people instead of
being a construction manager!
A sneak peak at the front yard from an open window in the stair well up to the choir loft.
September 10, 2011 Church Update
Scroll down for 9/10 Church Update Photos
Don't need another T-Shirt???
Jesus watches the progress made possible by our
selfless volunteers and donors who learned well
the lesson He taught from the cross.
While you can easily see the progress upstairs in the church proper, it
might be harder for those of you new to the Mission to see the progress
in the basement which we so badly need for programs that will serve the
poor in the neighborhood.   Look at these pictures and then click on this
link which will take you to the
"Church" page. If you scroll down that
page, you will see some photos of the basement as it was when we took
it over- standing water, trash everywhere, grease and mildew on the
walls and floors.  Many volunteers and tradesmen have spent a lot of
time getting the basement dry and ready to be finished!  Thank YOU!
THIS is progress!

Unbelievably, Fr. Bob says that we just need about $50,000 to finish this
work.  If you know of any funding sources (grants, etc.) that might
provide money to restore churches or buildings used to serve the poor in
humanitarian ways (that do not exclude donating to religious
organizations), please let Fr. Bob know.

(If you want to see his eyes get really big, a huge smile appear on his face and his body start to bob up and
down as if he wants to jump for joy but thinks maybe he should restrain himself....
feel free to tell him in person...)

And, if you have a group that would like to come out for a service day or
week to continue the great work of the volunteers who have already
made this possible, let Fr. Bob know.   
This would NOT be possible without you and God.
Christ has no body now, but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth, but yours.

Yours are the eyes through which
Christ looks compassion
into the world.

Yours are the feet
with which Christ walks to do good.

Yours are the hands
with which Christ blesses the world.

-- Teresa of Avila